Let the experts handle your taxes | VAT Filing in UAE
Handling taxes can be a stressful affair. If you find it too difficult to handle by yourself, rely on expert help. At H&J Accounting Services, we have extensive experience and expertise in handling value added tax. Our expert accountants will handle the VAT filing process professionally .

TAX Registration

VAT Filing in UAE

Refund Claim

Some of the questions that arise during VAT Filing in UAE and are answered by our experts are as below

Is the business required to register for VAT?

Is the format of business invoice and credit note in accordance with VAT law?

Do we maintain proper books of accounts and supporting documents?

Is a particular transaction zero rated or out of scope?

Is our accounting system compliant and capturing VAT transactions correctly?

Are we claiming all the inputs of VAT correctly?
VAT Filing in UAE Provided by the best
- VAT Registration service
We have a successful track record of registering over 250 businesses for VAT and obtaining Tax Registration Numbers.
At times a wide variety of questions and clarifications are sought by FTA during the registration process.
It is of utmost importance that these are answered clearly and supported with required documentation to expedite the registration process. Our experienced VAT professionals will work with your team to register your business promptly with FTA.
We will suggest and review the data and provide clarifications to FTA and ensure the business gets the TRN swiftly.
- VAT Deregistration
If your business is winding down or if your turnover is below the voluntary threshold limit then a business has to deregister from UAE VAT. If the business fails to intimate the FTA of occurrence of any of the events a fine may be levied on the business.
Our experienced VAT professionals will work with your team to deregister the business from VAT in UAE. We will prepare your UAE deregistration application with the required documentation and handle all the queries and questions asked by FTA pertaining to deregistration. We will also prepare the final VAT return on behalf of your business.
- VAT Return Filing
With over 100 satisfied clients, our team of VAT professionals are well equipped with filing the return. Our team will intimate you well in advance of the due date to file the VAT return. We will collate all data , check supporting documents and prepare the VAT return for filing. Delayed filing of VAT return or incorrect filing of return may entail fines which can be avoided by obtaining our services for filing the return.
- VAT Refund Claim
We regularly claim refunds from our clients and have successfully handed over 70 cases of refund of VAT. Our team of VAT consultants will collate the data required to be furnished for the refund claim. We will organise the data in the required FTA format. Review the supporting documentation and liaise with the FTA for a refund claim.

Years of Experience